Overweight people looking to get fit: do they also need 1.6 g/kg of protein per day?

To lose fat and maintain muscle, there’s no research that shows anything above 1.2 g/kg (0.55 g/lb) is beneficial for general trainees, such as the typical PT client [Campbell 2015].

However, from experience we know that if you want to reach very low (bodybuilding-like) body fat levels, a higher protein intake than that could have further benefits. This remains a debate.

Now what about the satiating effects of higher protein diets? That’s an advantage too, right?

Although a recent meta-analysis shows higher protein meals give a fuller feeling [Dhillon 2016], researchers haven’t established at how much protein per day this maxes out.
As @menno.henselmans and colleagues showed: 1.8 g/kg protein is similarly satiating as 2.9 g/kg [Roberts 2018]. But is 1.2 g/kg as well?

So to force-feed protein shakes and steaks to a typical 20% bodyfat person when they want to get to a healthier 12% bodyfat does not seem rational.

Not for the person. (“Could I get an extra patty with that burger?”)
Not for the climate. (Eating one 150 g portion of beef per day for a year emits as much greenhouse gas as 14 thousand miles of driving a petrol car, according to Poore and Nemecek 2008 calculations.)

Take a woman, 70 kg: 1.2 g/kg means ~84 g of protein per day may be sufficient for maximal body recomposition.
However, some more protein may potentially help them sustain the diet by suppressing their hunger.